Katie & Sina

We were both very much looking forward to this workshop and the opportunity to be away from our children and learning new healing techniques. But just like every other retreat they individually attended before, the workshop started at 7am and lasted into the late evening hours. These workshops are so beneficial but also mentally exhausting.

Katie and Sina immediately connected and were excited to find out they lived very close to each other. Fast forward we are a huge comfort and healing pillar for each other.

We have done many short trips and even went together to Germany for 1 week. These little get aways have done so much for both our mental health and we would love to provide these opportunities for our fellow goldstar families.

Besides giving them relaxation getaways, we also would like to offer some retreats with childcare provided by veterans that want to give back by donating their time and spending quality time with our goldstar children that are craving positive male influence.

We are also hoping to connect with Sponsors that can provide recreational event tickets that we can provide to Goldstar Families at no charge.

We want to remind these Families that they didn’t die the day their loved ones did even though we both know there are many days it feels like it.

We want to provide healing retreats and fun experiences to remind them to enjoy every single day and they are not alone in this.